Fiber Musings

Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Singles Done

Finished with my singles. 4 oz on each bobbin, spun on my Matchless. I think I will ply on my Lendrum. I haven’t used my Lendrum in a while. The color is truer in the top bobbin.

Pardon the dust…

The old theme didn’t handle searches properly. It only returned first page of results without a link for older entries. I couldn’t figure out where the script was buried in the theme so I thought I’d just use a theme that handled the search correctly. The colors are a bit in your face purple right now. Sorry about that. I was hoping for something a bit more soothing. Oh well. At least search works now.

Le Tour

I had forgotten completely about Le Tour until I saw what a few of my friends are spinning for Le Tour. I’ve decided to unofficially enter the race — just follow along and spin a little bit everyday. What am I spinning now?


Merino/Silk from RedFish Dyeworks. The colors remind me of fabric that has just been pulled out of an indigo bath and started the magic of changing from chartreuse to green to blue.

I’m also halfway through the annual Index Card A Day challenge. You can see some of my sketches on the right margin, near the bottom. This year, I’ve decided to just focus on my sketches and continue to improve my skills instead of trying to expand out into multimedia. I’m just not very good with stamping, gluing, taping. That’s just not where my interests lay. I want to sketch and watercolor. Since the index cards make very disappointing watercolor base, I have been primarily focused on ink and coloring pencils.

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