Fiber Musings

Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

There’s slow

and there’s sloooooow.

It’s baby season at the office and I ran out of my stash of grab and go baby shower presents. I picked up some fabric earlier in the week so I can whip out another mitered receiving baby blanket. From start (ironing the washed fabrics) to finish (sewing up a gift envelope) took over 2 hours. Definitely not a quick project. I guess I can take solace in the fact that it is quicker than knitting one.

There’s at least one more shower that I need to prep for. Hopefully, last night taught me a lesson in starting early and not wait for the night before.

No pictures. Perils of last minute gift making.




Months after I finished Multnomah, I finally wore it for the first time today.

Why? I had it draped on the back of the couch after blocking. Stormy immediately commandeered it as her couch “bed.”

Last month, I finally shooed her off the shawl, washed and re-blocked it…that was when I had found two snags/broken thread in the bound off edge.

It took me until this weekend to find the leftover yarn, un-pick back to the last broken thread, and re-knit the edge.

Upcycled Notebooks

I received the new Webs catalog in the mail. Just as I was going to drop it off in the recycle bin, I looked at all the pretty projects in the catalog and decided that they would make pretty nifty covers for some of my DIY Moleskine Cahiers/Field Notes knockoffs. They are pretty much smaller versions of my project notebooks.


Now, I have some pretty eye-candy notebooks to capture more fiber ideas on the go!

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