Fiber Musings

Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent


I stumbled upon Carla Sonheim‘s website earlier this week and have been completely captivated by her approach to just having fun with drawing and painting. I took a stab at it for yesterday’s index card.


It really is liberating and fun when you aren’t trying so hard at realism and just focus on the fun and whimsy.

It rained today…a rarity in drought stricken California. The fallen flowers and leaves provided ample opportunities for another one of Carla’s exercises — Blob Hunting. You know how sometimes you walk by something and think, that looks like Nixon’s nose! Or a unicorn. Or a Hippopotamus in a tutu. That’s what it feels like. Once I started looking, I couldn’t stop. I forced myself to stop at 4 blob sketches in 10 steps.


Can you tell what the blobs were originally? What do you see in them? I can’t wait to play with these later!

More Felting

A group of us got together and held a mini felting group. Our first meeting was on Friday afternoon. After some show and tell and discussions, I decided to roll up my figurative sleeves and make a piece of felt for a book cover from the CNCH 2014’s Return to Sender that I never spun up.

Felt_FrontGinger was nice enough to provide a batt of some unknown wool as my core. On the front, I layered on the brown, teal, and pink. We then stretched 2 silk hankies over the entire face before I squiggled on some handpainted iIelandic singles/finger roving.

Felt_BackOn the back, I layered on the chartreuse. There really wasn’t enough of it to get good coverage.

I think the original unfelted dimension was around 18-20″x30-36″. The finished dimension is 13″x24″. Much larger than I wanted. Next time, I won’t be so lackadaisical about just grabbing something and just DO it. A little more planning might have served me well here. But, it was a last minute decision and I’m glad to have done it. Otherwise, this roving would have sat stagnant in my stash forever.

ICAD 2015


Guess what time of the year it is??? Index Card a Day Challenge! My kit is ready to go. How about yours?

It seems most people have moved over to the Facebook Group. I haven’t decided, but I may just stick with Flickr for now. As with last year, my recent cards will be displayed at the bottom of the right sidebar. I won’t be showcasing them in the blog itself unless I need fodder.

Want to see my cards from past years?

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