Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Tag: Socks Page 2 of 14

Tennis Socks

Remember when I was on a kick to knit my own tennis socks and fine tune the sock recipe? Yeah, it was fun. They wore really well. This summer, I wanted to make more.

Guess what? What I wrote on the blog was the extent of my notes on the recipes. Seriously. That’s it. At least I had the blog to refer back to, I guess, or I’d have nothing. Nothing.


This time, I’m making notes. There was a lot of ripping as I reconstructed the rolled rims. Hopefully, I won’t lose these notes.

These socks are slightly different from the first set because I’m using fishy lips heels. That has become my favorite short row heel construction method.

Anatomically Correct

A while back, I was talking socks with my friend, Vanessa. We compared the different ways of doing the toes. She always made her socks anatomically correct — as in, there is a distinct right sock and a left sock, based on how the toe is shaped. Why? Her kids refused to wear generic symmetrical toed socks when growing up because their feet were not shaped symmetrically.

With that information, I decided to make a pair of asymmetrical socks to see how I like them.

Asymmetrical Toes

Asymmetrical Toes

This is the first time I’ve worked with Zauberball. I’m still on the fence on this yarn.

It is a lightly twisted single yarn. This is not a great yarn if you are playing around with a new pattern that is made up as you go because it just didn’t take to ripping out repeatedly well.

The color changes are loooong and slow. But I found a couple of spots where the changes were abrupt without a break in the yarn. No knots, but just a crisp change in colors. You can see the line of color change on the bottom sock where it went from a pink-red to purple. There was a similar change in the purple itself on the top sock but because it was a light purple to a dark purple, it didn’t show up on camera as clearly.


Yes, the socks really are that bright.


My last gripe is that the length of the color repeats are not consistent. As you can see from the photo above, the purple of the top sock was much much longer than the bottom sock. So, instead of returning to bright orange, the cuff ended at red-orange.

As an aside, there appears to be another full sock remaining. By that, I mean that there is a full color repeat form orange to orange left in the ball. Yes, I rewound the ball to check the color repeat.


Again, no train, but we had a boat!

It was too hot and sticky on the boat to pull Kozue out, so I mostly ignored my knitting. But I  started a pair of socks with the sock yarn. Toward the second half of the dive trip, I pulled it out and worked on the socks fairly steadily while I read between dives or watched The Hobbit at night.


When asked, I said that I was too lazy to wash the one pair of socks I brought with me so I needed a new pair to fly home with. (I normally pack a pair of socks in my carry on to wear on the plane for long flights. It’s as necessary as my Bose noise canceling headset, pillow and shawl.)

Okay, it was a joke but it made people laugh…after they gave me “the look” followed by “you know, they have laundry service on the boat…”

I finished the socks at the Bali airport, just before they closed the doors for the first leg of my return.

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