Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Tag: SOAR Page 7 of 8

One More Down and Off to SOAR

The anklets with my Batt Club yarn went quickly. I finished the second sock during the Whidbey Weavers’ Guild meeting on Thursday, except for the grafting. The talk was simply too fascinating to concentrate on grafting.

I spent a lovely time at lunch with my friend Kathy from Earthues today. Ballard sure has changed since I was there last. There is so much gentrification going on that the old Scandinavian and nautical feel is nearly gone. My favorite breakfast place is now a Thai restaurant. The great cajun/creole restaurant is now a mediocre Italian restaurant. A few favorite haunts still exist, but parking is now impossible.

Critters have been dropped off for boarding, and I’m spending the night in a hotel next to the airport so I can catch a flight first thing tomorrow to Michigan for SOAR. I can’t wait.

I doubt that I will have internet access there, so I’ll see you when I return!

Two Down, Three To Go

Here’s the post that I attempted to post via my cell phone:

Finished 2 of the 3 pairs of socks I had on my needles.

Finished Socks

This means an unprecedented single pair of socks in progress!
Unfortunately, I stopped in at The Fiber Gallery in Seattle this
afternoon to visit with Eva and left with yarn for 4 more pairs of
socks. I don’t know if I have the discipline to not cast on a new
pair…especially since I also bought some rosewood sock needles…

If you are reading this, then hurray for technology. It means that
this posting via email from my cell phone was successful.

Well, we know it wasn’t successful. I had to go back to the old fashioned web posting (as if blogging of any sort can be considered old fashioned, especially via a blogging software instead of good old hand coded pages).

Now, before you ask if I failed my grade school math, I’ll have you know that I tutored math in high school for pocket money. But how does 3 SIPs less 2 make 3? It does if you casted on, not one, but two new pairs of socks! Yes, two. I didn’t have the resolve.

I casted on a toe up sock with some Fleece Artist sock yarn I bought at The Fiber Gallery. After I nearly reached the heel, I decided that I didn’t like how pointy the toe was. I started over with 16 co stitches instead of 10. I’m part way back up the foot.

Then I read that Abby will be at SOAR. I remembered that I brought along the first Batt Club offering, all spun up and ready to be turned into socks. I knew right away that I wanted to wear the finished socks at SOAR next week. I immediately casted on for a pair of top down ankle socks. I spun this yarn to be worsted weight, so it will go quickly. I don’t know how long it’s been since I only used 48 stitches for socks!

SOAR — I’m on the wait list for Margaret Stove’s lace class, but confirmed in Carol Rhoades hand carding class.


By special request from Ramona, I have created a collage for you.

SOAR Haul Collage

Starting from top left, going clockwise:

  1. “Mayan Chocolate Cashmere” (50/30/20 Merino/Alpaca/Cashmere) from Lambspun. 6 bumps. Approx. 16 oz.
  2. “Blended Rolls” (50/50 Mohair/Cormo) in “cool” colorway. I can’t remember the vendor, but the rolags are carefully prepared so that if you draft evenly from the end of the rolag, you will get precise repeats. When plied, they will match up almost 100%. 2 pouches. In theory, enough for a vest or sweater.
  3. “Rocky Mountain High” (Polwarth) from Rovings. A bag. I have no idea how much is in the bag.
  4. Lavender Bunny Balls from Elemental Affects. 6 bumps. I think they were 4 oz each. Enough for a vest.
  5. “Salt Lake” (Polwarth) from Rovings. A bag. Again, I have no idea how much is in the bag. I told myself that if it was bag was still there at the end of the weekend, I would take it home. It came home with me. Laura took the other bag of Salt Lake home. It’ll be interesting to see how we each work it up.
  6. “One of a Kind” (Polwarth) from Rovings. Yet another bag. This was the first one I picked up. I love the greens. I’m in a green rut these days.
  7. “Deep Waters, Dark Woods” SOAR 2006 Blend from Crosspatch Creations. Sold only through Carolina Homespun. 2 pouches.
  8. 2 red Corriedale batts from Grafton Fibers. Purchased from Carolina Homespun.
  9. [center] “Spritzy Spruce” (80/20 Wool/Silk) from Lambspun. 4 oz. I told you I was stuck on greens.

Not pictured:

  • my new replacement Schacht Matchless (you all know what it looks like *)
  • my new Lendrum double treadle (again, you know what it looks like *)
  • 3 wood naalbinding needle (I’ll show these when I start a project **)
  • 1 small hand held weaving frame (I’ll show this when I start a project **)

* If you don’t, you know how to Google, right?

** I will not promise when the said project will actually happen. It’ll happen when it happens.

There. I did say it was conspicuous consumption, didn’t I? It’s quite embarrassing the amount I came home with.

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