Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Tag: Scarf Page 4 of 7

Dye and Scarf Progress 3

You might have guessed from the previous 2 posts that I had been thinking about whether I want to dye the spun yarn before knitting or leaving it natural.  The natural is pretty, but I’m not one to let an opportunity to play with natural colors pass. Part of the scarf competition rule is that if you are going to dye, it has to be with natural dyes. Yes, I have a whole kit of Earthues dye powders, but to keep in theme of the whole process it yourself, I wanted to gather the dye materials myself. (I even eyed my crop of horsetails up on Whidbey for the possibility of chartreuse. Too early in the season.)

I started to scan Ravelry’s Plants to Dye For discussion group, and I came across an intriguing discussion on using soak water from black beans to dye fabric. Hmm. But is it stable? I didn’t think it could be. I’ve seen the purplish water that I strain off. None of the books I have talks about it (not that it’s definitive, but it does provide some jumping off points). My guess is that it is transient at best. But what do I have to lose?

I started a pound of beans to soak as I finished spinning up my yarn. Unfortunately, I didn’t finish before the bean water started to ferment just a little. (It was left out on the counter because I didn’t have room in the refrigerator and the weather got HOT!) I wasn’t too worried. But I decided to strain it off and heat it up a bit to stop the process of whatever it was happening in the solution. That was my first clue that the dye isn’t stable. The starch and protein in the soaking water starts to break down, and that lovely dark blue purple also disintegrated into a dull brown.

I still wasn’t willing to give up on it. I put a skein in (alum premordant) and brought it to a simmer then let it sit over night. The results were extremely disappointing. Brown. And it rinsed out. I think I had to rinse it about 10 times before it rinsed clear. And now it’s back to the same color as it was before.

For which I am glad. Now I can start over without the need to spin up more yarn.

The skein is sitting in yet another alum bath right now in preparation for a hazelnut dye bath.

I gathered about 150 grams of hazelnut leaves and shredded it with my hands, as I would with salad greens, and let it sit in water yesterday. Since it was over 90+F yesterday, and the pot was in the sun, it got pretty warm in the pot. The whole pot was simmered for a couple of hours last night and let cool overnight.  It’s strained and now ready for the fiber.

Dye Notes:

  • alum: ~30%
  • hazelnut leaves: 2:1 wof

Progress Report:

  • All yarn spun.
  • First skein: spun from flicked locks on drop spindle, plied on Schacht Matchless. 30 grams/154 yards. 32 wpi.
  • Second skein: spun from combed fiber was spun on my Bosworth Featherweight and plied on a larger spindle.  45 grams/170 yards. 24 wpi.
  • Sample knitting still progressing well, but not yet completed. Put aside for now to focus on spinning and dyeing.
  • Deb Menz workshop spinning: 60% complete.


I have finally finished spinning and plying the moorit merino. Next, a soak in alum and then the dye bath.

Now, on to the homework spinning for Deb Menz class next weekend.

Scarf Progress 2

Along with the spinning, I’ve been playing with my scarf design. I had an inkling of what I wanted to achieve. I charted it out to see what it might look like. So far so good. Then I casted on a sample. For the sample, I just use some scrap yarn that I had handy. It was DK weight instead of lace. Okay, I just wanted to see if the theory works. I don’t need to deal with scale issue just yet.

After a few rows, I found one design flaw that was easily fixed. But the problem with the yarn wasn’t so easily fixed. The needle I chose was too small for the DK weight yarn to show the details. It was difficult to see how the pattern will unfold.  Besides, the scarf was becoming alarmingly large. Attempt #1 abandoned.

Attempt #2: Found some lace weight alpaca/silk that I spindle spun last year.  It’s still much thicker yarn than my final product, but it is much closer to what I’m aiming for. Casted on again. This time, with the size in mind, I reduced the number of stitches casted on.  Finished half of the 1st repeat and I realized, no, I didn’t count correctly. I doubled my intended cast on.  (Don’t ask.)  Ripped. (It was about here, when I had a pile of yarn in one hand, and a gordian knot in the other, that my phone rang. Isn’t it always the case? Penny had a knitting emergency.) On the glass full side, the pattern is working out exactly as I planned. I figured out another design issue that I was able to easily fix. And I’m loving this alpaca/silk yarn.

Attempt #3: Casted on the requisite number of stitches. Counted twice. Started the set up row.  Hmm. I seem to be missing a stitch. Recounted thrice. Still missing a stitch. Okay, I’ll fudge it and add a stitch. It’s just the set up row, should be easy. Wait, somewhere along the line, I twisted my tube so that it’s completely screwed up. I can’t straighten it out. Rather, I probably could, but with the miscount, it was faster to start over. Ripped.

Attempt #4: Casted on the requisite number of stitches. Counted thrice. Started set up row. Again, I’m missing a stitch in the exact same place. What are the freaking odds? Feeling punchy, I just added the damn stitch where it needed to be and proceeded. Set up row complete, now on to the 1st pattern row. I zipped along to the end of the 1st row. What’s this? An extra stitch??? Where the heck did that come from? Ripped.

How difficult is it to count to 12 10 freaking times? I obviously need 2 more toes to make this work.

I’m having a time out from the knitting right now. I know the pattern works, as evidenced by attempt #2. For now, I’m consoling myself with some very pretty hand combed top and a Bosworth Featherweight.

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