Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

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2013 Spring Cleaning #4 Update


blocking in the hotel room

I just realized that I never published any photos of the pre-finished shawl on the blog!

Sorry about the horrid picture. I finished the last of the knitting on the plane to and at SOAR. I ran back to the room between evening events to block the shawl the night before I had to turn it in. So not only was this photo taken on my phone, it was in a dimly lit hotel room.

Good thing I had a large room to myself, even if it was covered in mold and mildew. (It was a fun asthma filled week.)

A big thank you to Jen for bringing her blocking wires for me. I didn’t want to fly with mine.


SOAR 2011 Gallery

2013 Spring Cleaning #4

Circle of Life Shawl. The edging is still not done. I am mostly through section 2…of 8.


Keep Knitting!

I am vested in this project. I’ve just been too tired at night to work on lace these days. I need to set aside some time each week to work on it. I want it finished by fall.

On Edge

I lieu of starting something new, I’ve decided to go ahead and start on the edging for the Circle of Life shawl. It’s progressing nicely. I’ve just finished the 1st of the 8 sections. Skipping directly to the dark brown is definitely the right decision. There is nice contrast. No pictures until the edging is done.

What I’m finding interesting is that while Ellie has shown absolutely no interest in my fibers in the past, she seems to think that the shawl is the cat’s meow. She loves jumping on my lap and knead the heck out of the shawl before taking a nap on it. While I would like to think that it’s me that she’s showing some love for, but unfortunately, it appears that the shawl is the draw. Ah well.

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