Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

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I made the mistake of taking a Claritin-D last night. I was careful by checking my blood pressure before and an hour or so after taking it. No increase in my BP. So far so good. But 4 hours later, I woke up and wasn’t able to go back to sleep. I was wired. BP still good, but couldn’t relax. I had forgotten what the extended pseudophedrine does to me.

So what’s a girl to do? Go to her spinning wheel and experience a little zen.

The Beat Goes On

This is “The Beat Goes On” colorway (discontinued) from Crown Mountain Farms. I sort of followed Teyani‘s directions for spinning the fiber, with one difference. I broke the roving into approx 10″ lengths. I ended up with approximately 60 lengths each of light and dark. I’ll be spinning 20 lengths of each onto 3 separate bobbins for a 3 ply yarn. The singles are approximately 40 wpi.

Isn’t it pretty?

And you know what? It worked. My body and brain settled down enough 90 minutes later for me to head back to bed for another 3 hours.

Oh, and you see that bit of fluff where the red arrow is pointing? It was a tip I picked up at SOAR. Remember my complaint of the rattle with the new WooLee Winder? It turns out that it’s because of my spinning method (semi-long-draw). When the tension is taken off of the spun fiber for drawing in, the mechanism has a bit too much play and rattles. By tying a bit of yarn around it gave it just enough cushion to muffle the rattle. It still rattles a bit, but no longer as annoying as it did before.

Near Anarchy ChartBy the way, look at this! See all those tick marks? Yup. I’m 3 squares from finishing the body of the sweater. I was hoping to finish it by 2008, but I’ll have to settle for finishing the body by 2008.

I think I will seam it up and work the neckline and waistband before starting the sleeves. That way, I’ll know exactly how much of each color I have remaining. I’ll work the sleeves in stripes instead of squares, as shown on the book’s back cover.

The colors are approximate and not exactly me (except the purple, which I bought later when I decided to work this sweater). They worked better for my stepmother, for whom I picked the yarn out for. But it should be a nice cozy sweater for wearing around the house or walking the dog.

To close, here’s a picture of the finished fingerless gloves. As I said earlier, they are dense and warm. A little bit of all the colors in the repeat shows up in each glove to make them definitely fraternal, but not identical. I like.

Fingerless Gloves

P.S. I finally signed up for Ravelry. My screen name is FiberMusings. Now I can see what the fuss is about.

Baby Blanket

Baby Blanket

Circular Baby Blanket

Yarn: Handspun Superwash Wool from Crown Mountain Farm’s Superwash Merino in “Say A Little Prayer” colorway. I spun 1.5 pounds. The blanket weighs 1 pound 3 ounces. It’s a 2-ply that is spun to DK/light worsted weight.
Needle: US #9
Gauge: 18 sts/4″ (10cm)
Pattern: Variation of the Pinwheel Baby Blanket with Godmother’s Edging from Barbara Walker’s Second Treasury.
Finished Size: 46.5″ diameter

This particular baby blanket was knit up to 50 sts per panel (500 sts around), before I started the edging. At this stage, the blanket was 34″ in diameter. The edging is 6.5″ wide. Believe me, it’s large enough as a nap blanket. As me how I know…

I am not blocking this blanket. I want this to be a drag everywhere blanket for the new mother. And I doubt that she will have much time for anything, except tossing this blanket into the washer/dryer and pulling it back out again.

The center worked up very quickly, but the edging took forever. I timed it to be approximately 2 Tivo hours per panel, or approximately 1.75 hours. Multiply that by 10. There was a lot of TV watching, P&P reading, and wine drinking/socializing during all of this.

The good news? This is a very easy pattern to memorize — both the center and the edging. The center only has 2 rows: increase row and knit around row. Every wrong side row on the edging is plain knit, except for one, so there is only 6 pattern rows to remember. It’s very geometric, so it’s easy to figure out where you are in the pattern.

While none of the components of this baby blanket is original. They are all published information. I thought the juxtaposition of the components are original. But, once I set the blanket on the table for the photo shoot, I realized that something about it looks familiar. I went back to Best of Knitter’s Shawls and Scarves. Yup. Joan Schrouder already came up with the same combination. The only consolation that I have is that Silk Swirl has 8 panels instead of the 10 in the Pinwheel Baby Blanket.

The reason that I think the 10 panel pinwheel and the Godmother’s Edging work so well together is that the edging is a 10 row repeat. So, it doesn’t really matter when you decide to stop; you will always be able to work the edging and be assured that the stitch count will come out right. That is, if you aren’t under the influence of vicodin and somehow messed up your increases. I still don’t understand how that happened.

In the past few weeks, I’ve been on a Jane Austen kick. I’ve re-read Pride and Prejudice, watched Becoming Jane and the BBC version of Emma. During Emma, I looked at the shoulder shawls that the ladies were wearing. Hmm. It’s a lot like the baby blanket folded in half and thrown over the shoulders.

Baby Blanket as Shawl (front) Baby Blanket as Shawl (back)

Yup. It works beautifully as a shoulder shawl. Except that 90+F weather is not the best time to be trying it out. I am thinking that I want one of these for myself, except maybe in sport weight yarn.



I looked down at my ongoing project the other day and came to the sad realization that, in my attempt to break out of my red/blue color scheme, I seem to have fallen into a new color rut.

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