Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: December 2013



This cold snap has me digging for all manners of woolens to wear. What I do seem to have a lack for are warm hats. Wurm comes to the rescue! It’s a fast and easy knit. This hat was knit from some softly spun merino singles plied with a finely spun silk single.


  • Yarn: Handspun from stash, marinated for several years; merino & silk
  • Yardage: somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 yards
  • Needles: 3.25 & 3.75 mm

Almost Done!

The Mitered Non-Cross Blanket is almost done! I finished off all the blocks and spent better part of 2 days seaming the blocks together.

My little helper

My little helper

When I knitted my blocks, I slipped the first stitch of each row. This allowed the sides to look just like the casted off edge. It also made picking up stitches a lot easier.

When joining the blocks, I single crocheted the blocks together through the back loop of the chained edges. This allowed the edges of the blocks to butt up against each other with a small little gutter in between the blocks.


Joined edge

I don’t know where I read this but I think it was in the notes for a granny square blanket. It was probably the same place that I read about joining them in a zig zag pattern. Hard to describe, but start with a corner and attach the 2 adjacent blocks consecutively, without breaking yarn. Just continue to crochet around the corner and pick up the new block. You will now have 3 blocks connected, with 2 of them aligned diagonally. Continue and work the next diagonal on your blanket, zigging and zagging as you go. I found that doing a slip stitch as you round an outside corner will provide the extra give. And when you come to an inside corner, slip stitch into the corner stitch of the block diagonally away to close the gap.

My idea was that this would create fewer ends to weave in because I will already have enough ends to weave in!

Don’t believe me? A picture is worth a thousand words. Or in this case, a thousand ends.


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