Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: June 2013


MulberryThere I was, sitting out under the Mulberry tree in my courtyard, having a nice pot of tea with a book. What do I see? Someone has been nibbling on my Mulberry tree.

Am I out of line to wish/hope that there is an army of Bombyx mori chomping away overhead?

Itajimi Shibori

20130605-130656.jpgItajimi (also Itajime) shibori scarf from Doshi‘s workshop at CNCH.

For this shibori technique, you fold your fabric into shapes and then clamp wood blocks onto the folded fabric as resist. In my case, I folded my silk scarf into fourths lengthwise before folding them into isosceles triangles. I used a rectangular block that bisected the triangle from the base to the vertex angle.

Doshi had an extra concentrated acid based dye bath going. It only took 5 minutes in the dye bath to get this beautiful indigo-like color. A quick cold water rinse and then we hung them out of the 5th story hotel window in the High Sierras for a few minutes and we had a ready to wear scarf!

Fun and inspiring workshop. I can’t wait to play with this technique some more.

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