Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: March 2012 Page 1 of 3

Still Here

Working like mad on the first of my gallery submissions for the the CNCH Galleries. I’ll mail off the entry form today, but there’s still a lot of hand finishing work to be done. The photo above are mini skeins of spindle spun silk that will be transformed into a handwoven piping. I’ll be pulling out the Gilmore Wave loom for this.

Why not use an inkle loom? I want to wind on a warp that is slightly longer than the longest warp I can put on my Schacht inkle loom.


Fresh off the loom -- before fulling

After fulling, before pressing

Amazing the difference wet finishing* makes, isn’t it?

* Washer on hand wash mode and dryer with towels  for 10 minutes.



I don’t have enough yarn to weave the entire bag with any one of these skeins. I will be combining something with the blue skein. But which one?

I really like the brighter of the two skeins with the orange and green, and wasn’t too impressed with the other one while I was spinning it. But there is something about the pink that really makes it pop. It’s more subdued but I really like the combination. And there was a blue that I didn’t even realize was there until it was placed next to the blue skein.

In the left two skeins, the values are similar. I worry that the colors compete too much.

In the right two skeins, there is a subtlety that doesn’t show up in the photograph. I worry that it’s too subtle.

What are your thoughts?

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