Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: October 2004 Page 2 of 3

Go, Red Sox!


It was cold and rainy here yesterday, in the land of sunshine. I reached into my socks drawer, and found only one pair of clean, dry, handknit socks. (It was sock laundry day.) They were a pair of RED socks knitted with Mountain Mohair. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide. I know what I’ll be wearing during the World Series.

Many of you might be asking, what the heck, Ann?! You don’t even like pro sports! And you don’t do baseball! Well, there are 2 factors here. I only watch post season games if one of “my” teams is playing. Red Sox and Mariners are the two baseball teams that I watch. Oh, yeah, if I get free tix to the games,even better — even if they are bleacher seats. A sales rep called me up a couple of years ago, when the Mariners were in the playoffs and asked if I was interested…it was an afternoon game, so it meant I would have to skip out of work. Hello?! Yes, of course! The fact that I can see my office from my seat was a bonus. Every once in a while, I would look up the hill, and think about all my co-workers, toiling away, while I sit in the sunshine, eating peanuts. After the game, I strolled back across the street and went back to work. Nice break. So what if it was 4 hours (included lunch at one of my all time fave restaurants)?

Um, new sales rep? Are you reading this? I give great reference calls.

Silk Cashmere

10-silk-cash-singles.jpgFinally, it’s done. 254 yards of silk/cashmere 2 ply, at approximately 30 wpi. The picture at left is the small ball of singles, just before I plied it up. This represents about 1/2 oz of 50/50 silk/cashmere blended rovings that I got last February, and has been spinning on and off (mostly off) for the past several months. It is absolutely luscious. I’m thinking a lace neck warmer. I want that wonderful softness where I can feel it.

Hey, all you Californians out there. Have you registered to vote yet? Today is the last day to register if you want to vote in the November elections. You were planning to vote, weren’t you?


10-brn-singles-f.jpgI’ve been spinning away on this brown merino x roving on and off for the past month, and this is all I have to show for it. Don’t get me wrong. I love the wool, but I’ve been spinning away at it at night, when I’m tired, and I’ve been under a lot of stress with family stuff lately. So, I just wasn’t paying as much attention to the spinning as I should have.

What’s wrong? Well, the wpi count for the end of the bobbin is approximately 56 wpi. And the yarn at the start of the bobbin is, eh-hem, 24 wpi. Over twice the thickness. Sigh. The good news is that I think it was only that thick in the first 10 yards or so. The remaining 1000 yards (?) should be fairly consistent.

I planned on making a 3 ply yarn with this (and that will even out in the finished yarn even more), so I have another 2 bobbins to go before I can start plying. And I have a beautiful red merino x that I wanted to spin up in a 3 ply also to do some colorwork with. I think it would make a beautiful sweater for my sweetie, who has gone above and beyond the call to help my family through our current crisis, while still trying to deal with his own father.

10-merino-2ply.jpgAfter all that dark colored spinning, I jumped back in with these colorful kettle dyed merino x rovings in worsted weight. Do you realize that I don’t have a single pair of socks made with my own handspun? I know. What a mind blowing revelation. I will need to remedy that.

I can justify casting these on since I finished a pair of footies for Martin and ripped that other sweater out. That’s one new project for knocking 2 WIPs out of the way. That’s fair, isn’t it?

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