Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Month: June 2003 Page 1 of 2


Self Portrait

I have finally arrived! I move into our new rental on Sunday. It’ll be a few days before we get phone service, and a few weeks more for high speed internet access. So posting will be limited for the duration and minimal, if any, photos.

Black Sheep was a blast. I’m very glad that I decided to take a few extra days and the detour from I-5 on the way south. Thanks to Eva and her Dad for the hospitality!

New Job

I just wanted to say that life is going to get a little hectic in the next few weeks so I won’t have time to blog. I received and accepted an offer from the company down in California (remember the trip from hell?). I start on June 23rd, so I’ll be a bit busy packing up my stuff and finding a place to live. Martin’s staying behind for a while to finish packing up the rest of the house and follow me down later in the summer — after we get our house rented.

I’m going to stop by The Black Sheep Gathering on my way down I-5, before I start my new job. Hey, a girl’s got to have her priorities, right? Right? Of course she does. I’ve even signed up for the Orenburg Lace spinning class.

Anyway, posts are going to be sporadic, and probably no pictures until I get myself set up and organized down there.


Not much has been happening here. I did a little reorganizing of all the fiber strewn around the living room, then spent the afternoon doing an exchange on the menagerie …

Ray, Charles, and GeorgiaRay, Charles and Georgia spent the last 17 days or so with us. They were trapped by animal control, and we brought them home to help them get rid of their kitten colds and for a little bit of socialization. I think they were most likely feral because they did NOT want to be around people and most definitely did not want to be held. Now they come running when we go into the kitten nursery … er … our spare bathroom. And they purr like crazy. Unfortunately, we had to return them to MEOW because they are ready for adoption. If you are looking for some really sweet kittens, I suggest that you take a look at the cats and kittens available for adoption from MEOW at Pet Shelter or drop by for a visit. They are still at their old place on Mercer Island. They haven’t moved yet.

New LitterBut, I didn’t come home empty handed … This mother cat and her litter of 5, were gracious to share the milk with 2 additional kittens that were not taking to the bottle, and they all came home with me. While I was doing the exchange, Martin was busy cleaning the kitten nursery and prepping it for the new litter. The 2 grey kittens were a bit of a surprise because they only told us about the mother and 5 kittens.

Mom is Tallulah Belle, and her 5 kittens are Titania, Harlequin, Isolde, Columbine, and Tristan. The 2 grey ones are Hyacinth and Huckleberry.

These little ones are definitely not feral. Extremely playful and will run you over if you are between them and the other kitten that they wanted to tackle.

They are about 5 weeks old and should be ready to be adopted in another 4-5 weeks. Mom is a little underweight right now. Once we fatten her up some, and the kittens are weaned, she, too, will be ready for adoption. She is a real sweetie of a lap cat. She climbed up on my lap immediately and started purring.

EliSpot on LadderJust so that you know we haven’t abandoned our own kitties, here’s EliSpot keeping an eye on Martin while he was trimming the wisteria. This is outside our 2nd story window … she can climb both up and down the ladder. I’ve never known a cat to be able to do that. Rosie Toes and Hemingway spent the day in the shade.

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