Well, I’ve installed my very own weblog. I feel a little arrogant for thinking that people will want to read what I have to say. The whole “build it and they will come” attitude. Then, there is the, do I really want anyone and everyone out there to know what I’m doing and thinking? How much of myself do I really want to open up for just anyone to pull apart, dissect, opine?
We’ll just wait and see how this develops. In any case, this weblog is primarily an offshoot of my fiber addiction. I want to track, share, and discuss my various fiber projects, and just plain — show it off!
To kick that off … I finally finished off the pair of Fortissima Mexiko socks that I started at the end of September during the fiber retreat at Ft. Flagler. This is the first pair that I’ve made using short-row heel. So far, I really like the results. I did not have little “holes” at the turns that I thought I would have. I used the wrapped stitch method and that appears to really have worked. I’ll take a picture of them tomorrow, before I wash them, and load it to the log. I have to wash my weaving sample anyway, so maybe I’ll toss them in together.
Then, there are the pictures of the Bond kittens that I have to take and send to MEOW. We are fostering two adorable little black and white tuxedo attired kittens that we’ve named for two of our favorite Bonds … Roger and Sean. Sean’s got this slightly more prominent left eye brow that makes him look like he has the perpetual Sean Connery eye brow lift.
And if I have any time left over, I’ll play with the display options of these logs.