Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 28 of 30

disabling comments

Sorry, I’ve been getting lots of spam in the comments during the past week, so I’m taking it down for the time being. I’m leaving the link on the right if you want to drop me a line.

Curve Balls

Just when you think everything is finally settling down, life throws you a curve ball to remind you that you are most definitely not in control.

The manager, who recruited me and convinced me to move to California, returned to Seattle — on my one month anniversary. Commuting between Washington and California was too rough on his young daughter.

Then came the news that Martin’s Dad’s colon cancer came back. He spent the last week in the hospital getting lots of tests. Martin spent the week on I-5 driving between the Tacoma and Seattle, and sitting around the hospital, hoping to talk to the medical team.

Martin’s Dad is fine. A little grumpy, but otherwise fine. He’s home now, and we are still waiting for the lab results and the medical team to decide what the next steps are.

During this whole time, I’ve been working 10-12 hour days down here in California. Despite how hard it is to be apart from Martin, I think this is working out for the best. I can work the long hours to keep the project on track, and he can spend the time focused on his Dad. And neither one of us need to feel guilty for our long hours. However, I must say, there were days when we both could have used a hug.

But, the good news is, Martin’s coming down tomorrow to spend a few days with me! I can’t wait.

Knitting news … slow going on the Breeze Tee … I ended up ripping out about 10″ of the front last night because I found out that I seriously miscounted my increases. This has been very slow going, despite how much I like this yarn.

Still no DSL

Sigh. I still don’t have high speed internet access from the new place, and I’m feeling put out. It was supposed to be up and running yesterday, but they still hadn’t finished programming something or another as of 11 am today. It still wasn’t finished when I got home, but I didn’t feel like spending yet another 45 minutes on hold. So, I just have to suffer along with a dial up connection. I haven’t been reading much of the web logs out there either because I feel strange checking the sites out while at work, since I’ve been temporarily relegated to team sized cubicle-land.

I have been busy though. I finally finished the pair of Crusoe socks. I had to cast on 56 stitches in order for it to fit me. I have wide feet, but I didn’t think they were that big. I saw in someone else’s blog that they too had to adjust the number of stitches to make it work.

After 2 weeks in California, I’ve decided that I need a new casual wardrobe. The Seattle “summer” clothes are just not going to work down here (unless it’s during winter and early spring/late fall). I’ve decided to put off knitting any more socks until I finish knitting up a couple of cotton short sleeve sweaters. Not that I’ve worn socks since I’ve been down here.

Pictures of my progress will come when I get my high speed internet connection up and running.

By the way, I did finish the felted bag in time for The Blacksheep Gathering, where it made its debut.

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