Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 26 of 30

Gmail and Mailing Lists

I’ve been on digest or no mail on all the Y! mailing lists that I’m on, because I just don’t want to deal with all that clutter in my mailbox. Not to mention possible viruses. So, I peruse the lists online when I have a chance.

Well, that all changed this morning. I created my Gmail account this weekend. I decided to put it to the definitive test. How well will it handle the volume of email that goes through Socknitters and KnitList? The experiment starts today. I’ll let it run for a week and post back with the results.

Remembering 228


228 Rally in Taiwan, 2004

More on what happened on February 28, 1947:

  • 228 Incident
  • Various first hand accounts of the events
  • Formosa Betrayed by George H. Kerr, now a movie (2009)
  • Nothing to Report

    Sorry. Things have been crazy around here. I’m leaving this afternoon for the Gig Harbor retreat. The movers are coming tomorrow morning to move us to our new digs. So things will be a bit crazy until we find everything again sometime in the next century. With 2 (and a half) moves in less than 6 months, we will have absolutely no idea where anything is. I just hope we find all of the tax paperwork before April 15th.

    Have a good weekend!

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