In case you missed it, today is Election Day in the US. Please go out and vote. Every vote counts.
And when you are done with that, pat yourself on the back, and vote at the other election.
In case you missed it, today is Election Day in the US. Please go out and vote. Every vote counts.
And when you are done with that, pat yourself on the back, and vote at the other election.
It was cold and rainy here yesterday, in the land of sunshine. I reached into my socks drawer, and found only one pair of clean, dry, handknit socks. (It was sock laundry day.) They were a pair of RED socks knitted with Mountain Mohair. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide. I know what I’ll be wearing during the World Series.
Many of you might be asking, what the heck, Ann?! You don’t even like pro sports! And you don’t do baseball! Well, there are 2 factors here. I only watch post season games if one of “my” teams is playing. Red Sox and Mariners are the two baseball teams that I watch. Oh, yeah, if I get free tix to the games,even better — even if they are bleacher seats. A sales rep called me up a couple of years ago, when the Mariners were in the playoffs and asked if I was interested…it was an afternoon game, so it meant I would have to skip out of work. Hello?! Yes, of course! The fact that I can see my office from my seat was a bonus. Every once in a while, I would look up the hill, and think about all my co-workers, toiling away, while I sit in the sunshine, eating peanuts. After the game, I strolled back across the street and went back to work. Nice break. So what if it was 4 hours (included lunch at one of my all time fave restaurants)?
Um, new sales rep? Are you reading this? I give great reference calls.
We found a squirrel in the house yesterday. The little, grey, fuzzy rodent was hiding behind the bookcase in the living room. It was a scene from a slap-stick schtick. Martin and I were running around the house with a broom and some towels, trying to herd the dang thing out the door.
The, e-hem, herding dog was cowering in the bedroom. After chasing this dang thing around the house (living room, kitchen, office…) it finally ended up in the bedroom, then the master bath. Mind you, the master bath in this house is more like a closet. Cozy for one person. Snug with 2. And when you add a terrified rodent into the mix, it’s a tad chaotic.
Martin’s first comment when we cornered it was, “Honey, here’s your cue to stand up on the toilet and start screaming.” After a venom filled look, pointed back in his direction, we got down to trying to trap it with the waste basket and towels.
Guess what? When that darn thing ran over my foot, I started squealing. Squealing like a girl-y. Sigh. Another self image shattered.
By the way, that fluffy tail was really pretty. I wonder what it would look like spun…
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