Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 22 of 30

Fiber, Air and Thread

http://www.fibermusings.net/images/grace/end with solvy.jpg
I have been making scarves by sandwiching yarns and fabric scraps between two sheets of Solvy and then quilting a grid with my sewing machine to hold it together. Since DH left his backpack with our digital camera behind at Disneyland, I had to scan this on our flatbed scanner. You can still see the Solvy on this piece. It is made of nylon ribbon, two colors of flax yarn, fun fur and beige thread. This one went to a coworker moving across the country next week.

Miss I was so thrilled to wake up one morning to find this drying on the banister, that she just had to model this one for you. It was drying because I gave it a good soaking in warm water to dissolve the Solvy, of course. She has bedhead. Miss I, not the scarf. This one is composed of nylon ribbon, recycled silk that Ann had unspun and washed for me, some leftover fancy black/multi/sparkly yarn and lots of colors of thread. This one went to Miss I’s teacher for her birthday.

Jury Duty

I’ve been selected to sit on a jury this week. The first item listed on things not to bring into a courthouse? Knitting needles. I’ve toyed with the thought of a crochet hook or a drop spindle, but decided at the end to take absolutely nothing fiber related with me. But after 3 days of sitting around, mostly in the jury room, waiting for things to happen, I’ve decided that I’m going to take my design workbook and Knitting From the Top (B. Walker) and work out the pattern for a top down raglan and a top down sweater with inset sleeves.

I’ve finished the second equilateral triangle hat. I’ll be wearing that today.

228 Peace Memorial

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