Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 19 of 30


Here’s a photo of me with the girls (L-R: Seema, Kandra, Sara, me, Nancy) at the Snow Globe party. We gorged on snow crab claws, shrimp, and BBQ salmon wraps. There were much more food, but those were all I was interested in. The food wasn’t quite as nice as what we get at work, but still pretty danged good.

Snow Globe 2997

And, yes, I asked. Nancy did not knit her sweater. She bought it at Costco, of all places, for a measly $125. You can’t even buy the yarn required for that price.

PensSpeaking of hobbies that don’t really pay for itself, if you look at it from a pure monetary perspective. Here’s a lousy picture of the pens I made from my class.

But, I think $25/hour (6 hour class) to learn something completely new, use of the equipment, great instruction, and materials for making 4 pens, is a heck of a deal.

The real dilemma now is, is this something that I want to pursue? Unlike spinning, I’m going into this with my eyes wide open. The instructor walked us through the wood working store and talked about the equipment we would need as a basic setup, next level of equipment, etc. Pros and cons of the equipment at different price levels.

Left to right: plain tube in maple, first attempt at ergonomic shape in poplar, refined ergo shaping in plum, and variation of a theme of the ergo shaping in cedar. The last two pens were a result of me taking a good look at the pens on my desk and thinking about what I like and don’t like about each pen. I’ll see if I can take a better picture this weekend.

Snow Globe 2007

Snow Globe Socks and Pens

This week is my company’s annual trek to worship snow and fun. Unfortunately, Squaw Village did not provide much in the way of snow. Instead of snowshoeing, my friend Sara and I ended up just taking a walk around the meadow in mixed snow and grass.

The socks were what I managed to make on the bus ride up to Tahoe and back, and some knitting while catching up with friends (between the dinner and party). These are my own handspun merino yarn. The wool is from Spunky Eclectic, in Moonflower colorway. The yarn is a 2-ply, coming in at approximately 12 wpi. I knit the socks on US 0 (2.0 mm) needles at 7 stitches per inch. It’s got great hand. I think I’ll wear it today.

What’s with the pens on the socks? New hobby. Last night was night 1 of 2 for my pen turning class. The skinny pen on the right was my first attempt in maple. Just a plain old tube. This started out as 2 pieces of wood, approximately 0.5″ x 0.75″ x 2.75″, which I turned down to these little sticks. The entire time I’m doing this, the scene from an old Chip and Dale cartoon runs through my head — the one where their tree home was cut down and taken to the mill and turned into a little toothpick.

The second one is poplar. I played with shaping a bit more. The bulbous shape helps conform to my hands a little better. I will be turning one or two more pens tonight, one in aromatic cedar and one in plum, based on what the instructor had set aside on his workbench. I will play with the shaping a bit more to find the ideal shaping. I doubt that I will have time to play with anything really fancy, but more variations on the same theme.

Small world moment: there are only 2 of us in the class. The other person in the class is the husband of a member in my weaving guild. How freaky is that?

Fleet Week

My club had a cruise out to Aquatic Park in San Francisco to watch the Fleet Week festivities and the Blue Angels perform. I loaded up my boat with enough food to feed an army and wine to sink a, well, a boat. Thankfully, that didn’t happen because I also brought floation devices — 4 knitting projects. You know, just in case I have time between stuffing my face and staring up in the sky.

I even had several knitters that joined me to inspire me: Barb, a knitter extradinaire, and a fellow cruiser; Petra, another fellow cruiser; my sister, Grace; and Karen, who was also my crew for the weekend.

You would think, that with all that time, and inspiration, I would have at least knitted a few rows. The closest I got was unknitting a few rows of Icarus on the leisurely trip home yesterday. Yes, unknitting. I found a mistake several rows back when I picked it up and spent the time unknitting. Thank goodness for autopilots and GPS.

What about the weekend? We had a FABULOUS time. The Blue Angels were spectacular. And we ended the evening with a big chocolate birthday cake for Grace. I had told the girls that they could decorate the cake when Grace, Mark, and Iris arrived, because I wanted Iris to help with the decorations. Wow. The second they arrived by dinghy, they whisked Iris away to their secret mission several boats over. I never got to see Iris to give her a hug until an hour or so later. But the 3 girls did an awesome job of keeping Iris occupied all day, and Iris got to hang out with the big girls. According to Iris, that was her favorite part of the day.

Uh, did you say something about a birthday? Yes, Grace turned 40 yesterday. Hop over and wish her a happy birthday!

That’s all for now. I’ll need a few more days to recover.

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