Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 17 of 30

Shopping (and Uncle!)

Okay, I give. There are too many subjects aside from my fiber addition that flit through my brain. I will break my original rule of keeping this to fiber only. I’ll try and keep it mostly fibers. How’s that?

Last night, I had dinner with Grace, Mark, Iris and my Mom. On the way home, we stopped off at an ice cream shop. Grace asked me about the grocery store that shared the same parking lot. I told her that it was my favorite grocery store. Of course, the next question was, what makes it my favorite?

My criteria for a good grocery store? It needs to have a good balance of organic food, “alternative products” (stevia, recycled paper products, holistic health care products), as well as the standard mass consumption products (garbage can liners, Oreos). The produce, whether organic or not, should be fresh. Locally grown produce a plus. The fish and meat should be really fresh, and provide meats produced or gathered in a sustainable fashion. And, this is for me only, have really, really good selection of bulk foods, cheeses, artisan breads and a great deli. This grocery store has it all, and friendly people. It’s a true neighborhood grocery store.

And the criteria to make a really good grocery store into a “favorite” grocery store?

  1. It must be within walking/bicycling distance. By that, I mean that by whatever non-car transport method, I must be able to get the ice cream home before it melts. This grocery store is in the bicycling range majority of the time.
  2. I should be able to do multiple errands within the same trip. If I’m driving, I shouldn’t have to move my car for these errands. This grocery store shares the same parking lot with a great pet store with holistic pet foods, coffee shop, restaurant, cleaners, and the said micro-creamery ice cream shop.

I favor this type of store because I do my groceries several times a week. This habit started when we lived in Boston with a very flakey refrigerator and even flakier landlord, who couldn’t seem to get the fridge fixed in a timely manner. We learned to only buy enough food to last a couple of days. At that time, we were walking distance to Bread and Circus, now Whole Foods, which made it really easy for us.

Okay, the other reason is that I never seem to be able to plan my menu that far ahead. The closest I came was when we had a subscription to locally produced organic produce. We still ended up going to the grocery store several times a week to pick the proteins.

Lastly, I prefer to support small local grocers to large national chains. Just because.

Oops.  Gotta run to the grocery store…


I had a wonderful visit with Grace and Iris yesterday. We did a little shopping on California Street. Then it was to Thai Silk. I had a really difficult time dragging Grace out of there. It was a kid in candy store. Iris spent the entire shopping expedition with her nose in the new magic book she bought. She practiced one of her magic tricks on me while we had some ice cream.

This was followed by a wonderful evening sail, with help from my friends Larry and Robin. Mom and Mark met us for dinner at the club afterwards.

Pictures? I forgot my camera. You’ll have to wait for Grace’s.


As I (and Grace) have written in the past, I don’t blog about anything other fibers here. Every once in a while, life catches up and consumes you, and you can’t think about anything else. My hysterectomy is one such event. For this reason, I want to put a plug in for a great resource. No, I have not been approached by the site to write a plug for them. (Read last paragraph of Grace’s rant here.)

HysterSisters is a wonderful site with lots of information for someone who, for whatever reason, is facing a hysterectomy. Here, you will find a lot of information about what you (or someone you care about) will experience, the various issues that led up to this point, information about your specific condition, what your surgical and non-surgical options are, and what to expect before, during, and post surgery/recovery. There’s also a community that you can ask all the questions that you either forgot to ask your doctor or need an answer to earlier than your next appointment.

Once you create your profile, the site will send you periodic updates during your recovery to remind you of what you should and shouldn’t be doing at each stage. It was a great reminder for me to take it easy, even though I feel much better.

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