Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 16 of 30

Happy Birthday, Sis!

Head on over to Bad Mom, Good Mom and wish Grace a happy birthday!

One More Down and Off to SOAR

The anklets with my Batt Club yarn went quickly. I finished the second sock during the Whidbey Weavers’ Guild meeting on Thursday, except for the grafting. The talk was simply too fascinating to concentrate on grafting.

I spent a lovely time at lunch with my friend Kathy from Earthues today. Ballard sure has changed since I was there last. There is so much gentrification going on that the old Scandinavian and nautical feel is nearly gone. My favorite breakfast place is now a Thai restaurant. The great cajun/creole restaurant is now a mediocre Italian restaurant. A few favorite haunts still exist, but parking is now impossible.

Critters have been dropped off for boarding, and I’m spending the night in a hotel next to the airport so I can catch a flight first thing tomorrow to Michigan for SOAR. I can’t wait.

I doubt that I will have internet access there, so I’ll see you when I return!

Life in the Ferry Lane

Port Townsend-Keystone Ferry; Keystone side
Port Townsend-Keystone Ferry, coming into Keystone.

Waldo at Keystone Ferry
Waldo: waiting patiently for the Ferry at Keystone.

Ferry Sign
Sign seen in the women’s bathroom on one of the Mulkiteo-Clinton ferries.

View of the sunset from my deck.

Life slows down on the island. Clocks don’t matter, unless you are trying to catch a ferry. Even then, there’s always the next ferry.

I’m off to Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival in Canby.

Posting will be a bit sporadic, even more so than normal. I have no internet access at my cottage.

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