Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 14 of 30

No fiber activities here…

There’s been a dearth of fiber activities here. Why?

Reason #1

I didn’t realize how dirty the deck was until I started to scrub. On the left is the result of winter grime. On the right is what it is supposed to look like. It took me 2 afternoons to scrub the deck. Each evening, my arms were so sore that I couldn’t even think about picking up knitting needles. Everything takes longer when you are doing it all by yourself. I definitely didn’t sign up for that. But still, it’s very gratifying when it’s done.

Reason #2

Last week was the start of the Wednesday evening racing series. I had to go out and make a showing. We came in right in the middle of the pack. I’m happy with that.

Reason #3

My first cruise out of the season. Our club cruised out to South Beach Harbor (See those pointy sticks behind the ball park? It’s my other pointy stick passion.), and watched the Giants lose to St. Louis. Nonetheless, it was a fabulous day, fabulous cruise, fabulous after party on the boats, and fabulous brunch at Delancey Street.

Hopefully, fiber activities will resume soon. But it will have to wait until after South Bay Opening Day this weekend. I haven’t decided if my boat will enter the decorated boat parade, but if you decide to drop by, I’ll be tending bar, starting at 1230!

News Flash!

The following just came into my inbox last night…

Dear Bohus Knitting Friend,

I have some wonderful news and I wanted all of you, my special Bohus devotees, to be the first to hear, and hopefully mark your calendars:

There will be a Bohus Stickning exhibit in America in 2009! It will be held at the American-Swedish Institute in Minneapolis between January 23rd and March 29th, 2009.

Many things about the exhibit are still undecided but during the opening weekend the Institute is hoping to host celebrity guests and present lectures, expert guidance through the exhibit, and show a brand new Swedish documentary film (with English subtitles) about Bohus Stickning. It is even possible that a special Bohus garment will be re-created and released for sale in conjunction with the exhibit.

I hope that many of you will be able to come – if not for the opening weekend festivities, then at least at some point while the exhibit is showing- to celebrate this great event and ASI’s willingness to provide exhibition space for these wonderful garments. This is something I have been dreaming of for for a long time and I am so very happy that it is now in the works for real!

The last time there was a Bohus exhibit was in conjunction with the World’s Fair in New York in 1964 so it is about time for another one, don’t you think?

Warmly, Susanna

I can’t wait! Although, Minneapolis in winter doesn’t sound all that wonderful… I mean, they are still having blizzard warnings in April, for goodness sake!

Not much on the fiber front. I had to head north to meet with the fireplace insert technician. I extended the stay so I can attend the Whidbey Island Spin In. All I can say is, “WOW!” The event sure has grown since the last time I attended the Spin In! They outgrew Coupeville Elementary School and are now in the Oak Harbor High School. (Although, may I be as bold to suggest that Coupeville’s new high school looks like they might be able to accommodate at least that many people and would be closer to Seattle and the rest of the island?)

Eva spent a couple of nights with me this time around. She didn’t get to go to the Spin In because she had class. Kathleen joined us and we stayed up and talked and drank wine. The Spin In was followed up with dinner at Marcy’s with several Spin In attendees and island regulars. Unfortunately, I was hit by “Island Time” on Sunday and didn’t make it make to the Spin In. My firewood delivery was supposed to be at 9, then noon, then 1:30. They finally arrived around 3 and left at 3:30. Much too late to drive north to Oak Harbor (about 20 minutes north) for an event that ended at 4. Dang.

Even less fiber activities since I returned. I’ve been getting my boat ready for the new racing and cruising season. I spent several hours yesterday afternoon scrubbing the decks (hey, it’s mostly teak colored now!). My arm and wrist feel like they belong to someone else now. The good news is that my boat looks great! It’ll be purdy for the South Bay Opening Day ceremonies next Saturday.

We even performed well during the first Beer Can (Wednesday night racing series) of the year on Wednesday! Tomorrow is my first cruise out of the year, and I’ve got to go back and finish scrubbing the decks and check my provisioning. (And I need to figure out how to replace that broken sail slide, now that I found the correct replacement parts.)

The bummer about this particular cruise out? All my sailing-knitting buds have family commitments and won’t be in attendance. No one to do the wine and knitting needle juggling routine with.

Earth Hour 2008

I had a lovely dinner and read a book by the light of candles and oil lamps at my house during Earth Hour 2008. How about you?

Actually, I had 2 lovely evenings in a row by candle light. A transformer blew near the club on Friday night, just as dinner was winding down. I spent the rest of the evening talking with friends by candle light. It was lovely.

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