Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

Category: Life Page 13 of 30

My eyes are too big

Bump of Spinderella ThrumsI overestimated what my free time looks like. Since I signed up, I have only been able to spin just under one bump (1 bobbin full) of the Spinderella Thrums. Of 8 bumps. Less than one out of EIGHT.  That’s less than 12% of goal #1.

What have I been doing? What haven’t I been doing might be an easier question.

Take yesterday for example.

I was out of bed and in the pool by 0800 for my SCUBA lessons. Then it was off to storage to locate my ancient golf clubs.  A quick stop at the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions that have been waiting for me for 2 days.  Another quick stop at the deli counter to pick up a sandwich to eat on the road, but snacks for the cruise out dinner.  Home to wash/wipe down the golf clubs (haven’t used them in 15 years).  A quick shower to get the clorine off. Then it was off across the bay to meet up with the cruisers for a 9 hole round of golf.  (Did I say that I haven’t used my clubs in 15 years?)  Followed by dinner and awards.  I was home by 2200.

I was out of the house again this morning by 1000 and didn’t return until 2100.  I just finished up some laundry.  I hope the towels and swimsuit will be ready to hit the pool again tomorrow by 0800.

I still have to squeeze in some reading on the manuals of my new SCUBA gear and a few chapters of the PADI book.

The rest of the week doesn’t look much better.  I have more PADI lessons, doctors appointments, oil change appointment, plus planning, shopping, cooking and decorating for a Greek Island Time party that I am co-hosting at the club this Saturday — for 100 people.

As people keep commenting, where did I ever find the time to hold a full time job that required a minimum of 60 hours a week?

Scratch that

No Wind. Broken impeller. Not going anywhere on the boat this weekend. Joys of boat ownership.

Gone Sailing

The club is cruising out to our favorite destination this weekend. There will be at least one other knitter in the group who is guaranteed to have her knitting with her. We’ll have a mini-wwkip gathering on our sailboats.

See you when I get back!

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