Last spring, Shelia gave me a couple of small bumps of rovings from her naturally colored Wensleydale lambs. I sat down to spin them as singles, with the intent of using them as semi lace weight singles. Somewhere along the way, I thought they would be great for me to experiment with spinning bouclé.
I’ve spun bouclé in various spinning classes, under careful guidance of the instructor, but I’ve never tried them on my own. (Successfully, that is.)
Core and binding threads are handspun tussah singles, spun S. Wensleydale was spun Z, core spun on the tussah single S, then plied Z.
What I’ve learned: bouclé is a bit challenging for someone with OCD. I wanted to keep stopping to make the loops even and evenly spaced. It took a while to just let it happen.
There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but now I’m looking at all my longwools with an eye toward lots more loops.