CNCH 2012 Gallery Submission Deadlines have been extended to May 1st! Read all about it here!
By the way, if you are on the CNCH 2012 mailing list, there was a mistake in an email sent in March. It contained incorrect dates for Return to Sender and Return of Return to Sender dates. The corrected dates and links to the submission forms can be found in this CNCH blog post.
Are you planning on going to the conference? Or just visit the gallery and vendor hall? CNCH 2012 is looking for volunteers to help sit at the gallery, check tickets, and assorted other small jobs. In exchange for two hours of your time, they will give you a free day pass. What a deal! See the Volunteers page for a list of all the open positions and time slots.
If you can’t volunteer but still want to make a day of it, the Day Visits page has a $2 off coupon for the vendor hall.
Now I have to see if there’s something else I can wrap up in time for submit to the gallery. I’ve only submitted one out of my allotted three entries. (Return to Sender and Return of Return to Sender do not count in the allotment.)
Hmm. Is there enough time for a piece of yardage?