What can be more interesting than fibery pursuits? What about this?
This is Matsu. It is a 34′ sailboat that Martin and I bought for each other’s life time present. We ordered her a year ago last May for our anniversary. We had it all planned out. She goes into production on my birthday in June; launched in October, just in time for Martin’s birthday. Funny how life doesn’t ever turn out the way you want it to.
So, Matsu arrived in time for Halloween. This picture was taken in December (only in California can you take a picture like this), when we sailed out the Golden Gate for a short jaunt. A friend of mine in another boat took this wonderful shot of Matsu — I’m at the helm.
Since then, I’ve been busy honing my sailing skills. I’ve let Martin drive way too much, now I need to learn to sail her on my own. For the most part, I’ve never had problems finding crew to help me handle the boat. Nevertheless, my goal is to learn to sail her single handedly this year. Half the year is already gone — I’d better get moving on that goal. Biggest deterrent? Upper body strength to pull the sails up. I guess there’s no hope for it. It’s time to hit the gym. The spinning wheel just doesn’t do anything for the upper arms. Spindling doesn’t have the weight training — not even my beloved Golding spindles
So, what does this all have to do with fibers? I’m pleased to announce that my knitting pals who sail (or is it my sailing pals who knit?) have given this boat their seal of approval as knitter friendly. With the self tacking jib, you don’t even have to put your knitting down when it’s time to tack. The captain just pull the tiller over and you’re done. My non-knitting sailing friends like it because it means they don’t have to put their beer down during maneuvers.
I’m still trying to figure out how to get fit a spinning wheel onboard. Not so much storing one, but the right location where I can spin and still give me a full range of motion for my arms. I’m thinking spindles and my charkha is the way to go. I’ll be keeping a small stash on board for fiber emergencies.
Later, I’ll post some of the projects I’ve been working on. I need to take some pictures first.