Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

And I’m back …

I know it’s been months since I last posted. The lame excuse is that I’ve been busy. But the real excuse is that once I got my fiber groove back after Martin died, I didn’t get back on the blogging wagon. Once off the wagon, it was easy to stay off. I’m finding that out about a lot of things in my life. It’s not that I hadn’t thought of blogging my progress, mind you. I just didn’t.

Then, one day, something kicks you in the butt, and you gotta start moving again. The blog? Well, the co-op that I belonged to with web host is dissolving this week. Because I changed my primary email, I missed the call to arms until a couple of days ago. The last few days have been a flurry of activity: finding out what the heck happened; finding a new hosting service; backing everything up (and found out my backups haven’t been working); transferring the domain; setting up and learning new software.

As many of you might have noticed, I’ve also changed from MovableType to WordPress. Why? Partially because of the new MT licensing (too much going on to understand it right now). WordPress popped up as a viable alternative. Extra bonus points for the very fact that there was a one-button install from the new service!

I’ve imported my archives from MT. I’ve set up the directories. But I haven’t had time to mess with the templates to get it *just so.* Don’t be surprised if you see some wild combinations in the next few weeks as I figure out my “new look.

Oh, and Grace is taking this opportunity to move her new postings to her other blog — Bad Mom, Good Mom. I’ll set up a link on the side once I figure out my template.


Aspen Leaf Laurel Scarf


Competing Interests


  1. Grace

    Welcome back to the blogosphere. I am glad you are feeling better.

  2. I’m glad you are doing better. It’s good to see you back in blogland.

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