Are you tired of this series yet? If not, here’s the next (and last for a while, maybe) pleated scarf.
Let’s go for eye candy first. Click on the image for the full sized fuzzy goodness (click again on the new page to enlarge).
Yes, it looks a lot like the last pleated scarf (at the bottom of the post). But that one was in preparation for this one. What’s so special about this one? The yarn in the green/blue stripes is handspun Spirit Trail Fiberworks 50/50 silk/cashmere, purchased at SOAR 2009. I had just enough yarn to make one scarf with minimal sampling.
Yarn Source: Spirit Trail Fiberworks
Fiber Content: 50/50 cashmere/bombyx (it doesn’t appear that Jen carries this blend anymore)
Colorway: unknown (I lost it at SOAR)
Plies: 2
WPI: 40 (pre-finishing), 32 (post finishing)
Yardage: 580 (pre-finishing), 578 (post finishing); I used 504 yards for the scarf so I have a little bit leftover for a little something.
Weight: 2 oz.
As soon as I saw Anne‘s scarf, I knew that this yarn was destined to become a pleated scarf. I also knew that I had to do a lot of sampling before I started to wind on for this scarf.
Luckily, I had some Lisa Souza 100% wool lace weight in nearly identical colorway. Making a scarf with the wool would tell me if the grey weft would detract too much from the lovely blues and greens in the yarn.
Loom set up is the same in both scarves, as is the weft yarn (light grey tight spun cashmere single from ColourMart). I was, however, able to get about 36 ppi on this one.

On loom
As you can see, the grey did mute the colors somewhat, but did not alter it too much.

All stiff and unappealing, fresh off the loom

Unwashed sample and lightly finished scarf
I washed the scarf gently in the sink and line dried. I tossed it in the dryer briefly when it was almost dry to full it up. As you can see, it’s still kind of stiff and no halo from the cashmere. I was too gentle with it. The reason was that I didn’t want it to shrink as much as the last scarf.
Yesterday, I put it in a bin with extremely hot water (1/2 hot tap, 1/2 near boiling water). I don’t have a dedicated fiber toilet bowl plunger, so I used the only thing available in my kitchen — a potato masher. I abused it for about 15 minutes with a couple of dunks in cold water in between. After spinning it dry, I tossed it in the dryer with a towel. The halo finally came out.
Loom Length: 76″
Finished Length: 74″
I only lost 2″ in length. Why only 2″? In retrospect, it made perfect sense. This yarn has high silk content which prevented it from shrinking like the last scarf, which was 100% wool (blue/green stripes only). Duh!
So, what’s next for the loom? I don’t know yet. Suggestions?
Pretty scarf!
Actually, Carolina Homespun is the only retailer of the cashmere/silk combed top blend (I include it in the spinning club now and then, but she’s the only one who actually sells it on a regular basis).
I just sent Morgaine another BIG order of it, so she’s well-stocked at the moment, too :-D
Oh, Wow. That is so pretty, and I so admire your resolve to make samples first! I am trying to follow your lead on that now.
I love, love, love the scarf!
It’s even prettier in person. And you say you aren’t a weaver. I would disagree :o). I have yet to even complete my warp that I did in that collapse weave class.
I love the colors. They remind me of the sea on a cloudy day. Perfect for the Pacific Northwest. :-)