Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

This and That

While Mom was over the other day, she asked if I could make her a hat. It’s been COLD in California. There are now 2 hats for her choose from (or both). Unfortunately, she will have to wait until after I return from my Color Institute Workshop at Earthues before I can give it to her. I’m leaving on Thursday. Know what’s strange? Earthues is less than 1 mile away from our old house in Seattle. Half way between our house and our boat marina. A block away from our health club. And nope. I’ve never been there before. Now that I’m hundreds of miles away, I’m going to take my first class there.

Work’s been crazy so I haven’t had time to finish the sock yarn.


Sock Yarn To Be


Sock Yarn!

1 Comment

  1. Michelle

    Looks like a great workshop! Please share about your experience.

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