Random thoughts of a fiber enthusiast - mostly fiber related, sometimes coherent

On Toes…

Kim was curious about my basic sock recipe, especially how I’m starting my toes these day.

I use 2 circular needles. The cable is flexible enough for the manipulation of the small number of stitches. I’ve tried it on 4 dpn, and drove my self nuts. I just wanted to break those needles from sheer frustration.

Step 1: Make a slip knot and slip it on one of the circular needles, and start wrapping the yarn around both of the needles.

Step 2: Slide the stitches on the bottom needle to the cable. Knit the stitches as they are presented on the top needle with the other end of the top circular needle.

Here’s a picture of the completed first side.

Step 3: Turn the work upside down, so that the newly completed row is on the bottom. Slip the completed row to the cable part of the circular needle. You can see which is the recently worked row because the working yarn is at the end of the row. Slide the cast on stitches on the second needle onto the needle part of the circular needle, with the needle point on the right side, and cable on the left. Start knitting as the stitches are presented.

That’s all there is to it! You start increasing 1 stitch in from the edge, every other round until the sock is of the desired width. What’s the desired width? I find that by the time the knitted toe is deep enough to completely covers my little toe, it’s wide enough. At this point, you can start your desired pattern, if any.

There are several tutorials on Turkish cast ons on the web. There’s even a YouTube video.

Okay. I’m off to drill holes in my boat. In the meantime, Ellie will continue to amuse herself with her sheep toy.


2008 SOAR Registration


No April Socks

1 Comment

  1. Kim

    I’m so glad you included photos! When you explained the technique via email, it sounded incredibly fiddly and scary. Seeing the words go along with pictures makes it seems much more approachable. Even though I’m mid-way through about 4 projects right now, I think I’m going to have to cast on for socks to try this Turkish cast-on for myself! Thanks for the tutorial!

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